Monday, December 6, 2010

Random Monday

So I think last week went pretty well, don't you? At least I'm pretty proud of myself what with blogging four days out of the week and all. Many pats on the back for me. Now on to the randomness that is Monday, or should it be miscellaneousness?

I'm sick again. As in, my throat hurts like crazy, my body won't stop aching, my head won't stop pounding and I swear my tongue has doubled in size. Thank you, immune system, for being worthless.

Michael and I might have jobs once we move back. It's still in the works, but we are still pumped! PTL and thank you Mama.

I will be chopping off half of my hair soon. If anyone is interested in the other half, just let me know. Really, why do I have enough hair for four people?

I am mysteriously feeling the urge to paint my nails.

And eat dinner. If possible, through a feeding tube to avoid swallowing.

I can't stop daydreaming about everything I want to do once we move to Grandma's house. Oh the paint choices!

Michael is taking a nap next to me. It's 6:15 and he's supposed to go play basketball. I keep waking him up, but he ain't budging. And when he does wake up, guess who he'll be mad at for not waking him up? What's a girl to do?

I'm really not a fan of the "new profile" on Facebook.

I really need to get behind the camera again.

I've been laying at the foot of the bed all day watching HGTV in between naps.

Ok, I'll be back with another life altering post tomorrow. But right now, my tummy is yelling at me.

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