Monday, June 14, 2010

Eight-Hundredth Time's a Charm

Confession: My name is Lexi Russell, and I am a perfectionist.

No joke, I've started at least eight-hundred (ok, maybe three, but still...) different blogs in the past two months, and ashamedly this is the very first time that I've actually written a post...and then posted it! Two snaps for me everyone!

As mentioned previously, I am a perfectionist, and a big one...times two if it is something completely unimportant. I just can't do things half way. Anyone relate?

So naturally, I had this dream of birthing a beautifully formatted, eloquently written first post complete with a pretty layout, witty headings, fun hyperlinks, pictures galore, a million sponsors and 8,000 followers anxiously anticipating my first post (kidding about that last part, but hey, a girl can dream can't she?) It took me a while before reality set in and I remembered that I know nothing, repeat NOTHING, about making a website, posting pictures, or adding widgets? gadgets? midgets? Which even is it? What even are they? And can we please find a new name for them?

Long story short, I don't speak "Blogger" (however, I am quite fluent in Facebook, so hopefully some of that will transfer over). All that to say, I have finally realized that I will never have a blog if I keep getting hung up on all the details, and I've decided that I need to establish a purpose, and stick to it.

So here goes nothing. My purpose (insert drum role here) . . .

To tell my story. To write about life. Big things, little things, hard things, fun things. What God has done. What He does from day to day. And what He teaches along the way. Basically, anything. I love to write. I'm not a great speaker, and I'm frequently misunderstood. But somehow writing brings clarity, it gives me time to think about what I believe and then say it exactly how I mean it, no room for misunderstandings. It's a beautiful thing.

So that's why I'm here. To write. To sort things out. And if I can bring glory to God and inspire thousands of women along the way, even better. It's up to the Lord to use this however He wishes, and as for me, I'm just going to write.

So please bear with my ugly boring blog for now, someday I will learn how to make it pretty and add fun stuff (or pay someone else to do it for me...) Until then, I'm sorry! Any helpful tips for this rookie are welcomed!

1 comment:

  1. Well this is just great! I am supposed to give my testimony in less than an hour and after reading this blog...I can't stop crying. Imagine that! Dad
