Monday, September 27, 2010

Satisfying Work

I'm sitting on the floor upstairs-eating cheerios, listening to Bella's Lullaby, the rattle of the fan, and the sound of Caleb cooing as he naps-and I am content. This morning, my devotional was about satisfying work, and how more than 80% of people are dissatisfied with their careers. As I watch this precious baby swing back and forth in his rocker, I realize again how blessed I am to spend my days doing something so satisfying to me. I don't make a lot of money, and I sometimes work long sleepy hours, but in turn I am helping my cousins, and have the opportunity to watch this little boy grow up a little more every week. I am truly so thankful for the days I spend here, and I'm quite certain that I would not be motivated to wake up at five or six every morning to drive across town and start my day unless I were doing something that I cared about. And I do care, very much, about the sleeping baby next to me and his parents who work so hard to give him all that they know how.

So the truth is, it's really not hard for me to be motivated to work; it doesn't even feel like work most of the time. And as you well know, if we don't find meaning in our jobs, we find motivation difficult. God means for His people to be productive and to enjoy the fruits of their labor. He wants us to be content in what we do, whether it's at home with children, in an office with coworkers, or elsewhere. But for some of us, most of us even, it's not that easy. Ephesians tells us to work "as if you were serving the Lord, not men." If we who love Jesus have it firmly fixed in our minds that our labor somehow honors Him, then we will be motivated and find contentment wherever our circumstances place us.

That is my prayer for you today: that you would find contentment wherever you are, and to honor the Lord in your labor.

I know, I'm lucky.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day Two

Oh, Internet, I have failed you all once again...two days in a row! I must admit, I made an impulsive decision to solemnly swear about writing everyday. I mean really, who was I kidding? Although, this time I do feel like I had a legitimate excuse. Well, for yesterday at least. See, I nannied for my favorite baby in the whole wide world all day. No joke, like 13 hours. And in case you haven't heard, babies are not very accommodating when it comes to your plans for the day, and so blogging just wasn't an option yesterday.

And today, well here I am. But I'm not blogging about my devo. I've decided that it's too rigid and boring to write about the same thing every single day. Where's the room for spontaneity? Because, please, we all no how spontaneous this girl is...Oh, you don't know? Well, that was a big fat lie. I am NOT spontaneous. I plan everything. EVERYTHING. But I am working on my spontaneousness (that's not a word, but this situation totally called for a different tense, obviously) and as a first step, I am not going to lay out my outfit for tomorrow, OR pack my book bag. Watch out world, Lexi Russell is going crazy!

But not too crazy, I'm hittin' the hay ahora, folks. It's 8:31 pm and if I'm not laying out my clothes tonight, I'll have to get up a smidge earlier tomorrow to adjust. Adios amigos!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day One

"Then Jesus said to His disciples, 'If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.'"  

Matthew 16:24

Jesus' words were unmistakable to his disciples. They knew what crosses were, not charms worn on necklaces or designs in tattoo parlors. The cross was an instrument of execution, one of the most violent and horrible ever invented by evil men. Jesus was telling his disciples what it would require if they were to follow Him, and He certainly didn't candy coat it. He made it clear that the cost would be high, for some of them it would cost their lives, for others it would not. But for all who choose to follow Christ there is a choice to make: death to self and devotion to Him.

What does dying to self look like? It means to deny all things carnal, sinful, unrighteous, and selfish and instead choose to follow Jesus in love, purity, faithfulness, joy and holiness.

But God doesn't take it for granted that we will follow Him. Jesus gives us a choice. He doesn't try to get us to pack our bags for a guilt trip. He doesn't make us do anything, He simply offers the path with all its hardships and joys.

Jesus' words come down to three basic principles:

1. deny yourself.
2. take up your cross.
3. follow Me.

Death to self is different for everyone, because we all struggle in different areas. Think of your selfishness as a hungry wolf that consumes anything and everything it can find. To deny it means: don't feed it! Identify the source of food for your selfishness, and run away from those things!

Denying yourself means saying "No!" to selfishness. The next part of Jesus' statement is saying "Yes!" to Him: "Take up your cross." Why did Jesus go to the cross? Because He wanted too? He pleaded with the Father, prayed in agony, sweating blood about dying such a horrible death. But His commitment to obey the Father was greater than his desire for comfort and approval. So He went to the cross.

That's what it means for you and me too: to obey God no matter what He asks us, and no matter how much we don't want to do it, finding our ultimate reward in knowing our God is honored in our obedience. It is a hard gospel, but He isn't asking us to do anything He hasn't already done to a far greater degree than we will ever do.

The final, and best, part of the trio is our invitation to follow Him. As God strengthens us, we make those daily decision to say "No" to selfishness and "Yes" to God, we walk side by side with Jesus Christ. When we read the Scriptures, we hear His voice. As we walk through our day, we sense His presence. We reap love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. My friends, this is the abundant life.

[Just in case you didn't read the former post, I'm recapping what I learn each day from A Call to Die, by David Nasser. So obviously, these are not my original ideas, and much of what I've said are direct quotes from the book. I know I should properly quote it and all that jazz, but this is a blog not a book for publishing. Plus, I just really hate all that works cited rif-raf. Just know, all the credit goes to David, but really these aren't new ideas, they're straight out of Scripture, so...]

You know what they say, seek and you will find...

Well, it's true.

I'd love to finally write about what I've been learning lately, and I apologize in advance if I all too closely resemble a fire hose, but honestly that's how it's been for me as of late - the Lord has just been blasting me with lesson after lesson, truth after truth after truth and I'm feeling a little beat up, but more than anything refreshed and really full of water... (I realize that's like a triple run-on sentence, but I don't know how to deal with it and I like the way it sounds, so please excuse my grammatical faults and continue on.)

So. (That's always a good place to start I think, or maybe I just have an abnormal desire to start everything that way? I just feel like it appropriately relates that there's much, much more to come; it kind of says, "buckle up and put on your big girl panties because we're only getting started," you know? Am I alone in this? Am I making "so" way more important than it is? Yes? Ok, I know. Moving on. 

So. Anyways. Once upon a time. Take your pick.

The point is, I just started a new devo called A Call to Die by David Nasser. It's actually not new, I did it this time last year and loved it, so I'm doing it again this year and guess what? I love it again! In Nasser's words it's a, "40 day journey of fasting from the world and feasting on God."

I cannot even begin to relay to you everything that I am learning and re-learning through this process. So I'm kind of feeling like I should summarize every single day just so I don't miss anything. On second thought, that would mean I would have to blog every day. Oh, commitment... Funny thing is, you are supposed to make a 40 day commitment to the Lord as a part of the journey (which I've already done) but I'm thinking that this could be a beautiful thing - blogging everyday about what I've learned. And it would hold me frighteningly accountable for actually doing the devo. This my friends is a perfect example of the war against my flesh. Ok, I'm doing it. 

I, Lexi Russell, solemnly swear on this day, September 14, 2010 that I will blog about each day's teachings from A Call to Die for the allotted forty days. Amen.

This post is getting too long already, and because I'm a neat freak and perfectionist, I think it best to start a new post for each day. I just finished day four which means I've got some catching up to do. Lord, help me!

Monday, September 13, 2010

I'm serious.

Due to a new heavy dose of planning and discipline, I will begin blogging more frequently and on a regular basis starting...


Here's what I'm thinking. I'll blog at least once a week (every Tuesday for now) and if I'm feeling really inspired, I may throw in a few extras. But at least this way we'll have some consistency!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I know, I know

I'm the worse blogger ever. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe.

But until then, some irrelevant photos that I've enjoyed.

This is a prime example of the solo reason that I wish I could go to college
and decorate my room without incorporating a boy.
This is why I want a bike, a Townie actually- or any kind of cruiser. 
I am a grandma, I know. But I'm ok with that.
This is Iceland. This is why i want to travel the world. Honestly. WOW.
This girl is a bit slouchy and needs a bra. But still, beautiful photo. 
Mostly I just really want those boots.
This is what I want to do on Sundays. With a book. And maybe a smoothie.
In the hammock that I don't yet have.
This is Joanna. Her blog is awesome. But that's not the point.
The point is, I want some red converse.
And I'd be ok with a cute prego belly and a sweet bike too.
This is why I'm ready to renew our vows. 
Or at least throw on a wedding dress and take more pictures.
This is the cutest nursery ever. 
Though I'm pretty sure I'd be much too scared to do something so bold.
But, then, who knows. I've got plenty of time to figure all that out. Plenty of time.

Ok, that's it. I have paid my debt to blogger and it is long past bedtime!
Oh, did I mention that Michael and I just bought a new Jeep?
Well, we did! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! 
Also, did I mention that I just drove to ColdStone in my new Jeep? 
Because I did.

Ok, really. This girl is off to hit the hay! Have a wonderful Sunday!